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School Field Trips

Museum staff teaching school children history of Vermont


A field trip to the Capitol District offers exciting learning experiences for students of all ages.  In addition to tours of the State House, a field trip may include a visit to the Vermont History Museum, and/or participation in a ‘mock trial’ at the Vermont Supreme Court*.  At the State House, students walk through one of the nation’s oldest and best preserved state capitols, learn about Vermont history and government, and can even observe Vermont’s legislature when it is in session.  Students may be able to meet with their representatives, and even the Governor!  School tours focus on the idea of citizenship-- What does it mean to be a fully engaged and responsible citizen?  How does voting and participating in the political process produce a responsive government?  What is democracy, and how are all Vermonters represented at the State House?  How do the three branches of government work, and how can students become actively engaged citizens themselves?

School Tours:

Each year, the State House welcomes thousands of students from around the state. Our field trip experiences offer a guided tour of the State House, a visit to the History Museum, and a mock trial at the Supreme Court (Availability is very limited, please contact Martina at for additional booking information).

For educators interested to bring their classes to the capitol for an in-depth learning experience about Vermont state government and history, click the link below to learn more and book a visit:

Montpelier Capitol Complex Field Trip Booking Portal:

For additional information and assistance, please reach out to Martina Michelova, State House Visitor Services Coordinator at 802-461-9923

To schedule a visit for your school, please contact:
Martina Michelova, State House Visitation Services Coordinator
802-461-9923 |

*Please note: availability of the Supreme Court for field trips is limited.

Students have the opportunity to apply to be a Legislative Page during their 8th grade year. For more information call the Sergeant-at-Arms' office at 802-828-2228 or click here.